3 Ways To Add Modern Flair To Your Western Wardrobe

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For rodeo enthusiasts, being a cowgirl is more than just a hobby. It is a way of life. The wardrobe put together by a cowgirl used to be limited to long-sleeve shirts and jeans. Fortunately, modern designers recognize that today's cowgirls need more diversity in their wardrobe.

Brands like Cowgirl Up have made it easy to add a bit of flair to your Western wardrobe without compromising your rodeo roots.

1. Incorporate More Color 

Western wear used to be limited to materials that had neutral tones. Keeping the color palette simple helped camouflage any dirt that might be picked up while working at a rodeo.

Modern cowgirls have easy access to washing machines that make laundering clothes a simple task. There is no need to wear the same shirt several times before washing it. As a result, you can find Western wear in many bright and vibrant colors.

Choose a few T-shirts and traditional long-sleeve shirts with interesting colors and patterns to help modernize your Western wardrobe.

2. Add Some Bling

Today's cowgirls are not afraid to sparkle in the spotlight. The makers of Western attire are taking notice of the desire for adornments by adding bling to traditional clothing items.

You can find jeans that are comfortable enough to ride in all day, but feature a stylish pattern made from rhinestones on the rear pockets. Shirts can be embossed with foil designs, and even hats can be adorned with rhinestone accents.

Adding some items that have a bit of bling to your wardrobe is a great way to bring your Western attire into modern times.

3. Go for Graphics

Graphic clothing has been in fashion for several years. A shirt or hat with a colorful graphic printed on the front can easily add visual interest to an outfit. You can invest in graphic clothing that reflects your Western roots by sticking with items that have a country motif.

Crosses, tribal patterns, camouflage, and horseshoes are all popular prints being incorporated into Western clothing produced by modern designers. Look for items with these types of graphics, and you will be able to pay homage to your Western lifestyle without sacrificing your ability to follow the latest clothing trend.

Shopping for a Western wardrobe doesn't have to be boring. Look for brands that understand how to combine today's edgy fashion trends with the function and affordability you need as a modern cowgirl.
